Internal and External Parasites and our Pets

By Daniela Svensson - Student Veterinary Nurse

What are Fleas?

Fleas are small external parasites that survive on the blood of animals and humans. They bite causing irritation, itchiness and discomfort. Fleas jump from one animal to another or can be contracted outside in fields and from streets.

What are Ticks?

Ticks are small external parasites that survive on the blood of animals and humans. They transmit many diseases to their hosts. Anaplasma which is also known as Ehrlichia is a common tick bourne disease. Pulling a tick off your pet is not recommended and should be done by your vet to ensure all body parts come out. Ticks usually come onto its host from walking through long grass and bushes. Ticks do not jump or fly they climb or drop onto the coats of your animals.

What are Mites?

Mites are tiny external and internal parasites that belong to the tick and spider family. Our animals may get mites with direct contact with other infected animals, or infected surfaces such as bedding.

Demodex-These mites live in the hair follicles of animals. Some symptoms include hair loss, red skin, crust and pimples.

Sarcoptes- These mites burrow under the skin, they feed on and in the skin. This mite is zoonotic which means that humans can contract this. They cause very intense itching and discomfort for your pet. Some symptoms include crusty, hard skin, severe itchiness, skin wounds and hair loss.

Ear Mites- These are external mites that live on the surfaces of the ear and in the ear canal. Some symptoms include extreme itching, shaking the head, crusty and waxy discharge.

What are Sandflies?

Sandflies are biting external parasites that suck the blood of animals. Our pets can contract leishmaniasis from sandflies. Medications and guidance from your veterinarian can help your dog live with the disease as comfortably as possible. Cutaneous leishmaniasis causes skin sores and visceral leishmaniasis affects several internal organs.

What are Worms?

Worms are internal parasites that feed off your animal’s nutrition and bloodstream. Worms can lead to illnesses and suffering. Treating your pets against worms helps keep them happy and healthy. Symptoms of worms in your pet include worms in your pet’s faeces, diarrhoea, pot bellies, and increased appetite whilst experiencing weight loss. Regular deworming is crucial to prevent and treat worms.

Heart Worm
also known as dirofilariasis is a blood parasitic roundworm that is a serious and progressive disease and may sometimes be fatal. They live in the hearts and vessels of your pets. Transmitted through mosquito bites. Treatment is possible and your veterinarian will guide you.

Intestinal Worms

live off partially digested content in the intestines. These worms spread through faeces. It is not recommended to allow your pets to sniff other faeces as the eggs transmit easily this way.

are intestinal parasites that latch on and feed off the host. These worms spread through ingested fleas and eggs.

are intestinal parasites. They live in the caecum and large intestine. They are spread by ingestion of a whipworm egg.

are intestinal parasites that latch onto the intestinal walls. Animals can get hookworms through the skin, ingestion, through a mother’s milk or while still in the uterus.

How can we prevent Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Sandfly and Worms?

  • If unsure about treatment and diagnosis always consult with your veterinarian.

  • Make sure your pet’s bedding is clean and washed regularly.

  • Apply treatment as recommended by your veterinarian.

  • Apply treatment such as a Scalibor collar for dogs and Advantage less than 4kg and more than 4kg for Cats.

  • A prescription is required for Nexgaurd Combo for cats and can be provided upon contacting us.

  • Regular deworming to treat and prevent different types of worms in cats and dogs.

  • Contact us for rabbit deworming.

  • It is recommended to keep your animal’s parasite treatment up to date as this protects them and lets them live a happy and healthy life.

To buy veterinary-recommended products to prevent Fleas, Mites, Ticks, Sandfly and Worms visit the shop 🔗here

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