Blood Pressure

By Daniela Svensson - Student Veterinary Nurse

Blood pressure monitoring from the comfort of your home allows less stress for your animal.

Why do blood pressure monitoring at home? 

  • Performing a blood pressure monitoring procedure at home gives us veterinary professionals a more accurate reading from your pets feeling more comfortable at home. 

  • Performing a blood pressure monitoring procedure at your home allows elderly pets to skip the journey for their fragile bones.

  • This service allows veterinary professionals to regularly check blood pressure for pets that are on medications and need regular checks.

  • Underlying diseases can be discovered through blood pressure monitoring and allow your veterinarian to get to the route of the problem. 

  • A more accurate reading is taken at home but sometimes trembling or shifting position can give us a less accurate reading.

How is a blood pressure reading taken? 

  • A pressure cuff is placed on your pet fore leg or tail to get an accurate reading and is attached to the monitor. 

What is Hypertension? 

  • High blood pressure. 

  • Possible undiagnosed underlying disease. 

  • If high blood pressure is not treated it can cause further problems for our pets leading to complications.

What is Hypotension?

  • Low blood pressure.

  • Low blood pressure can cause oxygen supply and blood supply to decrease.

  • Hypotension can be recognised through lethargy, fainting, depression, and confusion.

  • Diagnosing critical underlying issues enables veterinary professionals to help make a plan and move forward with your pet’s treatment in the correct way. 

Understanding blood pressure

  • Blood pressure is defined as, the measurement of pressure of blood flow on the vessel wall.

  • Unit of measurement- millimetres of mercury also written as mmHg.

  • Systolic arterial pressure, also known as SAP, is the measurement of pressure during cardiac systole (contraction) 

  • Diastolic arterial pressure, also known as DAP, is the measurement of pressure during cardiac diastole(relaxation).

  • Mean arterial pressure, also known as MAP, is an average calculated from the SAP and DAP.

  • Controlling blood pressure with special diets, weight control, and medications are aimed at lowering blood pressure.

    Book your pet's blood pressure monitoring🔗 here in the comfort of your home.

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