End of Life Care

What to expect with Dr Alessia’s gentle at-home euthanasia services.

  • This is a peaceful two-injection process, explained and carried out step by step, any questions you have are answered in full. Your pet’s welfare is in our best interest. Going through the process at home removes the stress and pressure of having to take them to a clinic.

  • Sedation- Drifting into a peaceful sleep- This process involves giving the first injection to your pet. When you are ready Dr. Alessia will administer this gently and allow your pet to drift into a peaceful sleep. This process is painless and stressless. Your pet will only feel the prick of the needle during this process. Dr Alessia likes to make it as peaceful as possible for their last moments.

  • The next stage is administering the second injection when your pet is fully and peacefully asleep. This allows your pet’s heart to slow down and peacefully stop.

  • Prices vary depending on your pet’s breed and weight. Contact us on WhatsApp for more information.

Book your pet’s peaceful at-home euthanasia here

Cremation Services

We offer cremation services at an extra charge but no ashes would be returned.

If you wish to have the ashes returned contact us on WhatsApp and we will guide you through trusted third-party companies.